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1. Taichi
Asyik passing kerja kepada orang lain. Konsepnya menepis segala kerja yang datang kepada orang lain. Asal ada unsur-unsur sales, terus forwardkan email ke ketua Sales and Marketing, ada cerita pasal pekerja je… terus passing memo tu kepada HR department…etc.
2. Boxing
Single tasking (ada ke phrase ni?). Mana pernah peninju berlawan pakai kaki, siku, lutut, kepala. Mereka cuma reti genggam tangan dan tumbuk lawan. Pekerja-pekerja sebegini selalunya akan jadi kucing hilang anak bila dapat bebanan kerja lebih sikit. Kalau minta tolong print document sambil jawap telefon pun dia akan melatah.
3. Silat Pulut
Before start any works, dia punya bunga-bunga punyalah lama. Macam-macam gaya , macam-macam persediaan. Nampak cantik tapi buahnya takde. Kalau nak showcase boleh lah.
4. Samurai dan Cowboy
Apa persamaan samurai dan cowboy? Kedua-duanya pandai main senjata… actually both terlalu bergantung kepada senjata. Golongan pekerja sebeginilah yang akan mati kutu kalau equipment rosak atau internet line down. Mereka terlalu mengharapkan machine to do their works.
5. Kungfu Bruce Lee
Hampir sama seperti silat pulut, cuma kalau kita familiar dengan filem-filem Bruce Lee, before and after dia menyerang lawan mulut dia tak reti duduk diam. Wataaa…! Wachaaaa….! Dan macam-macam bunyi lagi. Ramai juga pekerja yang macam ni, sebelum start satu-satu projek dia punya sembang melangit… dah siap project pun dia still let everybody knows dia punya contribution.
6. Ninja
Betul-betul berlawanan dengan Kungfu Bruce Lee, pekerja-pekerja bersifat ninja ni low profile. Kadang-kadang tu terlalu low profile sehingga kita nak cari dia pun susah. 9 pagi still breakfast, datang kejap lepas tu… then …Zasss.. ilang pergi lunch. Datang semula office, pastu dah menyelinap pergi minum petang… arrange meeting kat luar, terus balik rumah. Senang cerita, kaki ngular.
7. Rambo
Berlagak hero. Semua benda dia nak buat. Kononnya dunia ni berputar disekeliling dia sahaja. Kalau berjaya takpe juga, kadang-kadang tu berlagak hero… tapi bila last minutes, kelam kabut minta pertolongan kawan-kawan.
8. Kungfu Jackie Chan
Setiap filem Jackie Chan akan ada satu persamaan. Tak kira macam-mana jalan cerita, di mana kejadian tu, siapa pelakonnya… scene gaduh mesti tak serious. Mesti banyak adegan-adegan lucu yang diselitkan. Ramai juga pekerja yang bersifat sebegini. Kononnya taknak tension, so semua pekerjaan tak ambil serious.
9. Street Fighter
Ini pekerja yang tidak tahu ikut procedure. Maybe kerja akan beres, semua setel, tapi bila suruh prepare handover document contohnya, dia akan pening kepala. Suruh submit borang claim, hantar progress report, follow SOP, ikut method statement…etc, semuanya dia tak suka buat. Dia nak buat kerja mengikut cara dia sahaja.
10. WWE Wrestling
Bukan wrestling yang dipertandingkan di Sukan Olimpik tapi referring to wrestling yang diletakkan di bawah Entertaiment TV Guide, bukan kategori Sport. Pekerja yang ada sifat WWE Wrestling ni kita tengok mereka memang rajin kerja. Datang awal, balik tengah malam, kerja bertimbun atas meja, nampak macam busy gila. Tapi… as we all know, semuanya lakonan semata-mata.
Life is too Wonderful to be Missed
Saturday, April 14, 2012
1. Taichi
Asyik passing kerja kepada orang lain. Konsepnya menepis segala kerja yang datang kepada orang lain. Asal ada unsur-unsur sales, terus forwardkan email ke ketua Sales and Marketing, ada cerita pasal pekerja je… terus passing memo tu kepada HR department…etc.
2. Boxing
Single tasking (ada ke phrase ni?). Mana pernah peninju berlawan pakai kaki, siku, lutut, kepala. Mereka cuma reti genggam tangan dan tumbuk lawan. Pekerja-pekerja sebegini selalunya akan jadi kucing hilang anak bila dapat bebanan kerja lebih sikit. Kalau minta tolong print document sambil jawap telefon pun dia akan melatah.
3. Silat Pulut
Before start any works, dia punya bunga-bunga punyalah lama. Macam-macam gaya , macam-macam persediaan. Nampak cantik tapi buahnya takde. Kalau nak showcase boleh lah.
4. Samurai dan Cowboy
Apa persamaan samurai dan cowboy? Kedua-duanya pandai main senjata… actually both terlalu bergantung kepada senjata. Golongan pekerja sebeginilah yang akan mati kutu kalau equipment rosak atau internet line down. Mereka terlalu mengharapkan machine to do their works.
5. Kungfu Bruce Lee
Hampir sama seperti silat pulut, cuma kalau kita familiar dengan filem-filem Bruce Lee, before and after dia menyerang lawan mulut dia tak reti duduk diam. Wataaa…! Wachaaaa….! Dan macam-macam bunyi lagi. Ramai juga pekerja yang macam ni, sebelum start satu-satu projek dia punya sembang melangit… dah siap project pun dia still let everybody knows dia punya contribution.
6. Ninja
Betul-betul berlawanan dengan Kungfu Bruce Lee, pekerja-pekerja bersifat ninja ni low profile. Kadang-kadang tu terlalu low profile sehingga kita nak cari dia pun susah. 9 pagi still breakfast, datang kejap lepas tu… then …Zasss.. ilang pergi lunch. Datang semula office, pastu dah menyelinap pergi minum petang… arrange meeting kat luar, terus balik rumah. Senang cerita, kaki ngular.
7. Rambo
Berlagak hero. Semua benda dia nak buat. Kononnya dunia ni berputar disekeliling dia sahaja. Kalau berjaya takpe juga, kadang-kadang tu berlagak hero… tapi bila last minutes, kelam kabut minta pertolongan kawan-kawan.
8. Kungfu Jackie Chan
Setiap filem Jackie Chan akan ada satu persamaan. Tak kira macam-mana jalan cerita, di mana kejadian tu, siapa pelakonnya… scene gaduh mesti tak serious. Mesti banyak adegan-adegan lucu yang diselitkan. Ramai juga pekerja yang bersifat sebegini. Kononnya taknak tension, so semua pekerjaan tak ambil serious.
9. Street Fighter
Ini pekerja yang tidak tahu ikut procedure. Maybe kerja akan beres, semua setel, tapi bila suruh prepare handover document contohnya, dia akan pening kepala. Suruh submit borang claim, hantar progress report, follow SOP, ikut method statement…etc, semuanya dia tak suka buat. Dia nak buat kerja mengikut cara dia sahaja.
10. WWE Wrestling
Bukan wrestling yang dipertandingkan di Sukan Olimpik tapi referring to wrestling yang diletakkan di bawah Entertaiment TV Guide, bukan kategori Sport. Pekerja yang ada sifat WWE Wrestling ni kita tengok mereka memang rajin kerja. Datang awal, balik tengah malam, kerja bertimbun atas meja, nampak macam busy gila. Tapi… as we all know, semuanya lakonan semata-mata.
Life isn't about keeping score.
It's not about how many friends you have, or how accepted you are.
Not about if you have plans this weekend
or if you're alone.
It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date,
how many people you've dated,
or if you haven't been
with anyone at all.
It's not about sex,
It isn't about who your family is
or how much money they have,
or what kind of car
you drive.
Or where you were sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful
or how ugly you are.
Or what clothes you wear,
what shoes you have on,
or what kind of music you listen to.
It's not about if your hair
is blonde, red, black, or brown.
Or if you skin is too light or dark.
Not about what grades you get,
how smart you are,
how smart everybody else thinks you are,
or how smart standardized tests say you are.
It's not about what clubs you're in
or how good you are at "your" sport.
It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper
and seeing who will "accept
the written you."
Life just isn't.
But, life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully.
It's about keeping or betraying trust.
It's about friendship,
used as a sancity or a weapon.
It's about what you say
and mean,
maybe hurtful,
maybe heartening.
About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgements you pass
and why.
And who your judgements are spread to.
It's about who you've ignored
with full control and intention.
It's about jealousy,
and revenge.
It's about carrying inner hate and love,
letting it grow,
and spreading it.
But, most of all,
it's about using your life to touch
or to poison
other people's hearts in such a way
that could have never occurred alone.
Only you choose the way those hearts are affected,
and those choices
are what life
is about.
--Author Unknown.
Life isn't about keeping score.
It's not about how many friends you have, or how accepted you are.
Not about if you have plans this weekend
or if you're alone.
It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date,
how many people you've dated,
or if you haven't been
with anyone at all.
It's not about sex,
It isn't about who your family is
or how much money they have,
or what kind of car
you drive.
Or where you were sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful
or how ugly you are.
Or what clothes you wear,
what shoes you have on,
or what kind of music you listen to.
It's not about if your hair
is blonde, red, black, or brown.
Or if you skin is too light or dark.
Not about what grades you get,
how smart you are,
how smart everybody else thinks you are,
or how smart standardized tests say you are.
It's not about what clubs you're in
or how good you are at "your" sport.
It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper
and seeing who will "accept
the written you."
Life just isn't.
But, life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully.
It's about keeping or betraying trust.
It's about friendship,
used as a sancity or a weapon.
It's about what you say
and mean,
maybe hurtful,
maybe heartening.
About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgements you pass
and why.
And who your judgements are spread to.
It's about who you've ignored
with full control and intention.
It's about jealousy,
and revenge.
It's about carrying inner hate and love,
letting it grow,
and spreading it.
But, most of all,
it's about using your life to touch
or to poison
other people's hearts in such a way
that could have never occurred alone.
Only you choose the way those hearts are affected,
and those choices
are what life
is about.
--Author Unknown.
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