No. 1 Best-Paying Job: Anesthesiologists
Average Annual Pay: $234,950
Employees in Field: 33,310
No. 2 Best-Paying Job: Surgeons
Average Annual Pay: $231,550
Employees in Field: 42,340
No. 3 Best-Paying Job: Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Average Annual Pay: $218,610
Employees in Field: 20,540
No. 4 Best-Paying Job: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Average Annual Pay: $217,380
Employees in Field: 5,800
No. 5 Best-Paying Job: Orthodontists
Average Annual Pay: $204,670
Employees in Field: 5,040
No. 1 Worst-Paying Job: Fast Food Cooks
Average Annual Pay: $18,720
Employees in Field: 502,450
No. 2 Worst-Paying Job: Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food
Average Annual Pay: $18,790
Employees in Field: 2,799,430
No. 3 Worst-Paying Job: Dishwashers
Average Annual Pay: $18,840
Employees in Field: 504,280
No. 4 Worst-Paying Job: Shampooers
Average Annual Pay: $19,130
Employees in Field: 13,240
No. 5 Worst-Paying Job: Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop
Average Annual Pay: $19,450
Employees in Field: 441,830
So, as you can see ..."surprise surprise" the top 5 best paying jobs go to occupations in the medical field. Not very surprising isn't it? Doctors’ salaries are so high not only because of supply and demand but also to offset the amounts they have to invest in education and malpractice insurance. The 33,310 anesthesiologists in the U.S. also work long shifts and play an integral role in keeping patients alive during surgery to earn their sizable salaries. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the high pay reflects the responsibility and risk involved in their job.
That is in fact very true. Why? Because doctors or rather say people in the medical field, they are dealing with human lives. Not something that we can experiment and play every day. One wrong move, can cost a human life. But people please, if you want to be in this field, make sure it is not about the money.
Make sure it is something that you truly want to do. Not just something that you are forced to do or expected to do. Whatever job you take, make sure you'll enjoy doing it. Because if you don't, then what's the point.
Jazakillah atas kunjungan. Selamat menimbal Ilmu juga. Budak Intec kan?
Terima kasih....ha'ah. Ada sorang bdk INTEC dlm group ni ^_^
Ouh. Satu kelas dengan Peacemaker ke?
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